Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we had even more family than usual, it had been a long time since all my aunts and uncles had been there on Thanksgiving!

Last year we took a group shot and decided it was so fun that we would do it again this year! We had family from Colorado, Montana, and Ohio with us this year.

Chad and I

Brother, sister-in-law, her nephew, and their grandbaby, looks like all the pictures had finally gotten to the little one:)

This was just too cute!! Poor baby had been fighting sleep all day long and been passed around from person to person and finally just gave in and went to sleep.

Was looking at last year's pictures and my dad had a Diet Dr Pepper can in his hand in that picture also

My mom and her brothers and sister with their spouses

The brothers and sisters

She might just be the happiest baby ever, she ALWAYS has a smile on her face!

Who wouldn't just fall in love with this face?!

After lunch and pictures several of us decided to go to the cemetery, they had flowers to put out on the graves.

My uncle that passed away a little over 5 years ago.

My grandparent's graves

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

14 1/2 Weeks

Ok, it's been a couple of weeks since I last updated, but it's been a hard couple of weeks. I had several days during that time that I thought I was just dying, I had morning sickness and a sinus infection all at the same time and it was just awful. Luckily the sinus infection has basically cleared up and the morning, well evening/night, sickness is getting better. I have been feeling a lot better for most of the day since the weekend, so I'm hoping I have finally reached that point where the yuckiness is on the way out!

This past weekend we went to Christmas on the Square in Crockett and even though it was raining, it wasn't too bad. We had on jackets and didn't even really notice the rain. The good thing was that there weren't a lot of people out early so we could shop without the crowds! We bought a few Christmas things and also a few baby things :) just couldn't resist! I'll start posting pictures of baby stuff whenever I get the energy to do it.

Sunday, Chad helped start getting out Christmas decorations and I'm slowly working on decorating our house. I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but since I'm off this whole week and have the time, I thought I would go ahead and do it now. Pictures will be posted of the house once I get that done.

As for the baby....I am now in the second trimester, which means morning sickness will hopefully be moving on out and that my energey should be coming back. Well, the energy hasn't really come back yet, but that's okay, I'm liking the naps this week! The baby is about the size of a clenched fist now and is covered with hair. Eyebrows are filling in already also! The baby is on the move constantly, though I can't feel movement yet. Fingers and toes are even wiggling!

Monday, November 9, 2009

What a fun ultrasound today!

Today we had an ultrasound! I'm 12 weeks and 2 days and the baby is measuring at 12 weeks and 4 days right now.

This ultrasound was so much fun. We heard the heartbeat and it's in the normal range. At first, the baby wouldn't move too much, but after I moved around some then the baby started moving also. We saw the baby... kicking both legs, moving arms and hands, we were able to count the 5 fingers on the hands, the baby yawned, and opened the mouth several times, the tech said that the baby was drinking in the fluid. Of course, the baby never got in the position that they were wanting so that they could actually measure what they were wanting to measure today, but we sure enjoyed watching all the movement. We were really amazed that the baby, as small as it is, is already doing all that moving. The tech said that this time is one of the best for seeing all the movement because they still have plenty of room to move around.

We got several good pictures. The pictures are a lot better in person than on the computer, but I tried my best! I actually tried scanning them in first, but that was a disaster so instead I just took a picture of the picture and uploaded those.

this is a front view of the baby, you can see the hemispheres of the brain (looks a little bit like an alien in this picture)

profile picture, on the right you can see a leg sticking up

not sure why this one was turned...this is an open mouth picture

laying down with both feet up in the air

right next to the writing is a picture of the hand up close to the face

just laying there chillin', actually I think this was during the yawn

laying down with the legs (on the right by the writing) up in the air again

um, another one that rotated on its own.....another shot of the hand up by the face

hand up again

Sunday, November 8, 2009

~12 weeks~

I am now 12 weeks pregnant!

This week the baby will start developing reflexes! The baby's fingers will begin to open and close, toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and the mouth will make sucking movements. The intestines will start to move into the abdominal cavity about now, and the kidneys will begin excreting urine into the bladder. From crown to rump, the baby is just over two inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

As for how I'm feeling....some days are better than others. I am now feeling good until about 4 or 5 in the evening and then I start feeling sick. I have found if I eat earlier in the evening then it does help a little bit. I'm still not able to really eat meat or even smell it at times.

Check back tomorrow for an update after our dr's appointment, including a new ultrasound picture!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

11 weeks

I'm now 11 weeks and so ready for the end of the first trimester and hopefully feeling better in the second trimester. All the books say that the morning sickness should be ending soon for the majority of pregnant women. I'm not going to get my hopes up too much, but I am looking forward to feeling "normal" again and hopefully soon! My evenings and nights I have been just miserable lately and some foods that I used to really like, well just the mention of them is enough to make me sick now.

The baby is now about 2 inches long! The ears are nearly in their final shape, nasal passages are on the tip of the nose and the baby even has a tongue! The baby can now stretch, do forward rolls, and somersaults.

We have an ultrasound in a week and can't wait to see how much the baby has changed since that first ultrasound!