Monday, May 31, 2010

May 24th

May 23rd!

Kylie has arrived, pictures in no particular order~

Tired, but happy
Did not like her bath
Grandma spreading the news "It's a girl"
Uncle Tommy and Aunt Mary come to visit
Mommy finally gets to hold Kylie!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 23rd~Kylie Hope!

May 23rd, shortly after midnight I woke up to my water breaking, some contractions started after that, but no where near regular. Around 3, I decided we better go to the hospital to be checked, but I assumed I would be told it wasn't my water that broke and that I would be sent home. I even apologized to Chad for making him have to get up and go to the hospital because we probably wouldn't be staying. We got to the hospital and it took them a while to confirm that my water had broken, once they did I was admitted immediately, around 5 AM. I was started on pitocin and magnesium (because of my high blood pressure). We had narrowed down names, but hadn't made a final decision yet, so we decided we better get to it! In between painful contractions we picked a boy name and a girl name. The pitocin started working pretty quickly and before 7 I was wanting an epidural, which I was able to get a little after 7. Wow, I think an epidural might be the best thing in the world! The dr. came in to check me and predicted that we would be having a baby between noon and 3 that afternoon. Before long, the contractions were one on top of the other and I was fully dilated and it was time to start pushing. I pushed for about 40 minutes and then we were blessed with a baby girl!

Kylie Hope arrived at 2:01 PM, weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measuring 19 3/4 inches long!

Saturday~May 22nd~40 Weeks

My due date came and went, very uneventful day. We went to lunch, Babies R Us, walked and shopped the mall, had ice cream, and ate Mexican food that night. We went home, watched a movie, took a 40 week picture of me and went to bed after commenting that we guessed we weren't going to be having a baby soon. We had accepted that on Wed we would go to the dr. and probably be scheduled for a c-section......little did we know that 15 minutes after midnight on Sunday May 23rd that things would start happening.......more postings to come!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

39 Weeks, 4 Days~Dr. Appointment and Ultrasound

39 weeks

We had an ultrasound today to check the baby's weight and fluid levels. The baby is measuring about 8 pounds 2 ounces right now. My fluid levels are fine. The baby is head down. Baby hasn't dropped down very much and the dr. thinks that the baby's head might possibly be too big to fit and that's why the baby is still "floating" some. I go back one week from today for another ultrasound and to check to see if I have made any progress. If at that time I haven't made progress, then I will most likely be scheduled for a c-section. If my body has made progress, then an induction might will be possible. Though he did say that he has had patients show no sign of anything happening and then end up going into labor that same day, so cross your fingers!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

38 weeks & 4 days~Dr.'s Appointment and Pictures

Yesterday I had a dr.'s appt. at 38 weeks 4 days. My blood pressure was good and all my lab results from the week before were fine. I had felt pretty sick the day before and mentioned it to the dr. he felt it was normal at this point to have days like that and I had a feeling it was from the horrible heartburn I had. He increased my heartburn medicine and last night was so much better! I go back on Wed, unless the baby decides to come before then, and will have an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby. I'm crossing my fingers that the baby will come before next weeks appointment, I am ready for this little one to be here! My due date is in just a little over a week, and the dr. expects me to deliver within a week of the due date, hopefully before, do not want to be a week late or even worse 2 weeks late!

38 weeks 2 days
Following are just some pictures of some of the flowers in our yard
Black and Blue Salvia~this plant is huge, I really need to stake it, just haven't got out there to take care of that yet.

Red Salvia

You can see the Black and Blue Salvia laying over in this picture

My plumeria leaves are growing, sure hope it blooms again this year
Didn't realize how ugly this bloom was when I took it....Painted Lady Hibiscus
One of my new hibiscus~love the bloom!

New yellow hibiscus, it's really pretty!

Monday, May 10, 2010

38 Weeks and 2 Days

Time is getting closer and closer for baby! I have felt really good since Saturday, better than I have in a very long time. I even went shopping and did a lot of walking and still felt fine.

We finally moved the glider to the living room and out of the dining room where it had been since we bought it. Kit-Kat has graciously volunteered to keep the glider warm until the baby is here :) It is her new favorite place to sleep, we told her she will have to share it pretty soon.

My next dr.'s appointment is on Wed.